JK's Code (Brooks/Lotello Thriller Book 4)

- Ronald S. Barak
- Fiction
- Political, Thriller
- April 2021
Twenty-year-old computer genius Jake Klein, known to his friends as JK, drops out of college to pursue fortune and fame in the field of cybersecurity. Discovering and upending a conspiracy between the presidents of Russia and America to manipulate the results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, JK finds himself in a deadly game of cat and mouse with the heads of state of two of the world’s most powerful countries—with the emphasis on deadly. Revealing the truth to the world definitely comes with a price.
The fourth in the bestselling Brooks/Lotello novels, JK’s Code is a political thriller teeming with real-time events, satire, suspense, and just a hint of romance that couldn’t come any closer to the realities of 2020 if JK were covertly dividing his time between the White House and the Kremlin—which he may just be.
Author Q&A:
1. What inspired you to transition from lawyer to fiction writer?
I wrote my first novel on a dare from some friends while I was still practicing law full time. I had so much fun writing that first novel that the transition from lawyer to fiction writer became a no brainer.
2. How did practicing law help with being a writer?
My novels are legal and political thrillers. I was already a political junkie and knew from every day reading what was current. My legal background helped me write my novels without having to do much research. My first novel, The Amendment Killer, took me the better part of a year to write. Practice makes better if not perfect; I wrote JK’s Code in six weeks. This would not have been as easy for me or as timely if I didn’t have the law practice background that I do.
3. How would you describe your writing process (plotter versus pantser)?
I am definitely a pantser. I typically have only one or two thoughts in my head about the plot and the possible outcome when I begin writing. Each day, I review what I wrote the prior day (and clean it up) and then keep going from there. The story often turns out quite a bit different than I originally anticipated. In the case of JK’s Code, I originally thought I was going to write a story about crypto currency crime and, given what was going on in the world, I completely changed that to cybersecurity crime.
4. I see in your bio that you were an Olympic athlete. How does preparing and competing compare to writing a novel?
I was an Olympic gymnast. Writing a novel is kind of like mental gymnastics. One is physical and the other is mental, but they are remarkably similar in terms of practice and focus. The more you practice and focus, the better athlete you can become (assuming a certain amount of innate ability in your genes). The more you practice and focus, the better writer you can become. I think my earlier discipline as an athlete has definitely helped me as a writer.
5. Tell us a little about the Brooks/Lotello series.
When I was dared by some friends to write a novel, and dared to rise to the challenge, I figured out I should write what I liked reading, political and legal suspense and mysteries. I also figured I should write what I know. I had extensive experience as a trial lawyer and to a lesser extent as a trial judge. From there, I created my primary protagonist, Cyrus Brooks, a retired U.S. District Court judge, who kind of thinks and looks like I do, and has a personality and sense of humor similar to mine. I love Constitutional Law (it take all kinds of law and it takes all kinds of people, what can I say?). So, I dreamed up the issue of whether amending the Constitution requires Congressional participation. I needed a victim. I created a precocious 11 year old granddaughter of a Supreme Court Justice. I forced him to choose between saving the country and saving the life of his granddaughter, who was kidnapped by a psychopath wanting to control the outcome of a Supreme Court case about whether an amendment to the Constitution opposed by Congress could still be valid. Because I am diabetic and know the subject, I made the kidnapped youngster diabetic to add considerable complication and tension to the story. Because I’m a pantser, these complications arose as I wrote and not at all neatly in advance. I called that first novel The Amendment Killer because the bad guy, a government spook wanted to kill that Constitutional amendment. In my next novel, The Puppet Master, Cyrus Brooks and his colleague Frank Lotello, a homicide detective, are tasked with finding a vigilante serial killer, a puppet master you might say, assassinating corrupt government officials because he feels they had stripped him of everything he had, his family, his business, his dignity and—maybe—even his sanity. The third novel in my Brooks/Lotello series, Payback, was about a psychopathic serial killer at an international writing conference killing prominent writing personalities because he believed they were not paying him the proper respect as a writer. Some think this killer reflects how I feel as a writer. (You do have to be able to laugh at yourself!) Brooks just happened to be at the conference studying to write a novel of his own. In my latest Brooks/Lotello novel, JK’s Code, a young college technology genius who happens to be the brother-in-law of Frank Lotello stumbles across the plot of a U.S. president to assure his continuing control of the country, right down to the events of January 6. However did I imagine such a story in mid-2020?
6. JK's Code is your 4th book in the series. What is it about?
In my latest Brooks/Lotello novel, JK’s Code, a young college technology genius who happens to be the brother-in-law of Frank Lotello, one of the two protagonists in the Brooks/Lotello series, stumbles across the plot of a U.S. president to assure his continuing control of the country, right down to the events of January 6. However did I imagine such a story in mid-2020?
7. What are some of the challenges when writing about real-time issues?
Keeping them timely, often referred to as “ripped from the headlines.” In my opinion, to really be “timely,” it is necessary to do your writing before the headlines happen. In The Puppet Master, the second in my Brooks/Lotello series, the killer asserts a legal defense to murder that had never been tried in the real-world courts. Two years later, a real-world serial killer asserted that very defense, which went all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. In my latest in the series, JK’s Code, the fictional U.S. president attempted a coup to take over the government. I wrote that seven months before it happened on January 6. I refer to the challenge of writing about real-time issues as having to be creative, to have an imagination on steroids one might say, and to dream up things that might happen before they do in the real world. I might have liked JK’s Code to be traditionally published, but that would have taken another year to come to market and by then it would not have been as timely as when it was released, before many of the events I imagined came to pass.
8. Where do you get the ideas for your stories?
The short answer is “I don’t know.” Sometimes they come to me in my sleep. I just wake up with a thought, jot it down on a post-it note and go back to sleep. Sometimes it comes to me when I’m playing golf or exercising. Sometimes it comes to me when I’m watching or reading the news or a movie and I say “What if . . . ?” The key is to jot down a few words before you forget the idea.
9. Are your characters created from scratch or are they based on people from your life?
Most of the time, they are based on people that I observe in real life. Brooks is very similar to . . . me. Lotello is quite similar to our son. The president in JK’s Code bears a remarkable similarity in personality to Donald Trump. In fact, I’m quite apolitical. I picked on Trump because he was there and people would see who I was mimicking. My next novel might very well pick on Biden. The 11 year old kidnapped granddaughter of a U.S. Supreme Court justice in The Amendment Killer has diabetes. So do I. I used that trait because I know the subject well and could write about it without having to do much research. I also think it’s a subject that can benefit from more attention. Payback involves a novelist who is a psychopathic serial killer and thought he deserves more recognition. Was I thinking of me? Hardly, but it always helps to be able to laugh at yourself.
10. What is the most challenging part of the writing process for you?
If by “process,” you mean the art of writing, I don’t have an answer. If you enjoy writing as much as I do and you are patient, the process will come to you. If you include in process everything that goes with a writing career, then the most challenging part of the writing business is, hands down, building a market and a brand. If you’re an athlete, as I have been, then all you have to do is be talented and work hard. If you’re a lawyer, as I am, then all you have to do is be talented and work hard. If you’re a writer, as I strive to be, it is not enough to be talented and work hard. There are many talented novelists who have worked very hard who you’ve never heard of. You need a little bit of luck to go with the talent and effort.
11. What is the best piece of advice you received about writing?
Write what you know and what you love.
12. What is the worst piece of advice you received about writing?
Write a good story and the readers will come.